Learn ansible

I started using Ansible 3 years ago. I was using Puppet but wasn't in love with it. I found Ansible when searching for alternatives. one of my favorite parts is that there is no client to install. Depending on who you talk to, some like it, others don't. I am not a fan of keeping client packages up to date. It's just another thing to keep track of, as if most SA's don't already have enough too remember. I love the YAML files. They are easy to read. And a lot of big companies have been providing modules to help automate tasks.

I've made a few of my own modules for Oracle VM and one for importing and exporting volume groups. Writing modules has been fun. I am not am expert, but the ansible git repo provides a lot of modules to learn from.

I am not going to explain how Ansible works. The documentation is more than sufficient. I mainly want to get the word out. This is definitely a skill all SA's should have. It could help your career and maybe add a few more dollars to your salary.
