Push ILO and system fw for newer integrity servers from the command line

For a few years I have been pushing ILO and system fw updates via HPSUM. Over the years HPSUM has become a huge annoyance. It seems to work 10% of the time. So I did a little digging and found a way to push the bin files via ssh to the ILO on the integrity blades I work on. Here are the steps.

1. Download the latest fw bundle from HP. Don't forget you must now have a support contract.

2. Extract the bundle using 7-zip, or winzip, or whatever the new archive extractor of the year is.

3. You will need to look in the extracted files for a few executable that start with "cp" followed by a few numbers. For example, cp020750.exe. You will then extract the files form that archive. You will then be looking for whatever files you need that end with .bin. Something like ilorom_01_55_02.bin. Copy these files to an web server you have on hand. Or set one up using one of the many lightweight http daemons that out there. Just make sure that the bin files are accessible via http. FTP may work as well, I have never tried it.

4. ssh to the ilo and upload the fw. I usually do this in a single command. I doen't usually login and run mp commands.

# ssh user@ilo_ip_or_dns "fw -U http://web_server/ilorom_01_55_02.bin

You'll get some output about the file being uploaded and applied. You can do the same with the sysrom file. One tip I have is that you should do the ilo first. If not you will not be able to apply the ilo until the sysrom fw update is applied. I usually push these before a maintenance window so that I only have to shutdown the servers to have the sysrom fw update. So long, HPSUM.
