
Here is a little tip. I found this a few years back. If you go to Porting And Archive Centre For HP-UX, do a search for depothelper. Download and install the depot for your platform. It acts similar to yum or apt in that whatever program you want to install from the porting and arching site, it will install all the prerequisites. This saves a lot of time hunting and pecking around to get something like ghostscript installed. Here is the help info:
depothelper: Syntax display requested

Syntax: depothelper [options] package[-version] [package[-version]...]

Options are as follows:

-a specifies the machine architecture (ia64|hppa)

-c specifies the cache directory for downloaded files

-e set number of days before cache package expiry (default 93)

-f forces depot downloads/installs, even if already downloaded/installed

-h (or -?) displays this syntax message

-l [package[-version]...] lists packages with their dependencies. If no

parameter is supplied, all installed packages are displayed

-n will download the depots but not install them. If -u is also supplied,

then a list of depots (including any dependencies) to be uninstalled

will be displayed rather than actually being uninstalled

-o specifies the depot OS version to download (11.11|11.23|11.31)

-p specifies that an FTP proxy server will be used

-r will remove downloaded depots that successfully installed

-u uninstalls the specified packages and if possible, uninstalls

their dependencies as well

If -a/-o don't specify ia64/11.31, then -n is assumed (i.e. no install)
