Pasta printing, 11.31, and Itanium.

This is not an exhaustive post on all the setup steps for pasta printing. The issue I recently faced was trying to get acrobat reader installed on 11.31 IA64. The last Acrobat Reader binaries for HP-UX are PA binaries. Yes, it will work (via Aries). But it is a pain to get working properly. You also need GTK PA binaries for gdk-pixbuf and setting SHLIB_PATH for the oracle app account. But all the time you spend looking for the depots, etc. could be a waste. The last acroread binary that I could find was 7.0.9. that particular install seems to have issues with printing landscape. How do you resolve this?

First, you move on. Say goodbye to acroread. Then, you install xpdf. It has pdftops, which I have had much greater success with over the last pdf2ps provided by ghostscript. To do the install quickly, you need to download depothelper from the Porting And Archive Centre for HP-UX. This will download and install any dependencies for the app you want to install. Once installed, as root, run the following:

/usr/local/bin/depothelper xpdf-

That will install xpdf with all the necessary dependencies. Once you have it installed, you can contact your Oracle Apps DBA and have then configure the pasta config to use pdftops.

I hope this entry serves you well. As is always my hope.
